- Follow-up:
- Short history of Satanism @1:26
- Ham on libraries @2:46
- Supreme Court vacates ruling on the Pensacola Bayview Park cross @4:53
- They want to hear Montana public scholarship money goes to religious schools.
- Trump Updates:
- Trump’s ignorance @6:04
- Busing explained
- Ivanka Video @8:52
- Oh, the 4th, what could go wrong? @17:23
- Trump’s ignorance @6:04
- National News:
- Democratic Debates
- Buttigeig on religion @22:15
- Harris moves up @29:17
- Kaepernick in news again @42:26
- U.S. makes more electricity from renewables than coal in April @54:30
- Democratic Debates
- World News:
- Mexico hail flood @55:08
- Screaming heat skull @56:36
- Holy water from a helicopter to stop all the crime @58:14
- Prince Chuckles, patron of homeopathy @58:45
- Final story: