- Follow-up:
- Neck gaiters bad? That may not at all be true @1:36
- Mark Grenon arrested in Colombia and faces extradition @2:46
- 2020:
- Harris co-sponsored Do No Harm Act @6:42
- DNC: @23:35
- Michelle Obama said a president needs to have a “devotion to facts and history”
- Jake Tapper tweet
- Bernie Sanders: “by rejecting science, he has put our lives and health in jeopardy.“
- John Kasich: “I swear to you, if I’d come out and said I was an atheist”
- Atheist morality discussion @:26:06
- Trump & Cronies:
- Final Senate report on Russian involvement @29:33
- Trump’s pardon @31:43
- An explanation of white evangelicals’ Trump love @37:04
- The New Republic: “The notion that Democratic politicians are ‘against God’ is one of the load-bearing pillars of conservative politics.” @40:31
- Lest we forget @41:11
- What Betsy DeVos and her voucher-buddies are trying to pull @44:02
- Trump's new adviser agrees with everything the president already believes. @44:25
- Marla Maples is now spreading OVID-19 conspiracy theories with RFK Jr @44:52
- Ian’s conversation with a stranger @46:22
- Jared’s juxtaposition @51:05
- WLM…? @56:17
- Coronavirus:
- Dashboard
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- FDA is keeping a running list of phoney COVID-19 products
- 6000 hospitalizations and at least 800 deaths due to misinformation @1:01:59
- Sweden @1:02:43
- Misinformation
- WebMD on Sweden
- CDC: Avoid Sweden
- Five members of Modi’s cabinet have COVID-19. @1:09:36
- One of the scam websites pretending to sell PPE was ISIS @1:09:51
- Americans have been conned out of $100 million in COVID-19 scams. @1:10:44
- My Pillow guy @1:10:56
- State News:
- Atheist Kelda Roys won her primary for the state senate @1:14:05
- Final stories:
- Forget Murder hornets, meet fire tornadoes @1:14:27