- Trump & Cronies:
- All the presidential lawsuits @1:58
- Trump retreats in PA @3:47
- LadyG asks Georgia to throw out votes @12:52
- Fox cutting away
- He’s fueled by “name it and claim it” prosperity theology. @20:01
- Kayleigh McEnany Breaks White House Record With Crowd Tally, only off by about 980,000. @24:00
- Jared’s Chimp theory @26:33
- Atlas idiot @29:09
- Alito clearly doesn’t think much of “experts” or “rights.” @34:35
- There’s going to be a lot of fighting in the courts to undo Drumpf’s undoing. @36:58
- Trump wants to start WW3? @38:19
- Coronavirus:
- Dashboard
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- FDA is keeping a running list of phoney COVID-19 products
- Prisoners loading COVID bodies @44:54
- Patients who die from COVID still believing that COVID is a hoax @45:40
- Conspiracy theorists faking illnesses in order to get into hospitals @48:04
- John Hagee says, “We have a vaccine. The name is Jesus Christ.” @50:56
- State News:
- NY - Catholic Church trying to get Supreme Court to lift pandemic restrictions @52:23
- OH - Republican governor curfew @54:32
- IA - Governor mask mandate @55:45
- World News:
- Boris isolating again @56:31
- Final stories:
- Ian’s Senate vote @58:30