- News:
- Dr Seuss @2:57
- Follow-up:
- French teacher was killed; The person who first spread the news about Paty showing the cartoons was the father of a student who wasn’t even there. @12:33
- Megyn Kelly school talk @14:12
- Ian school story @15:27
- Religious Nonsense:
- Sen. Tommy Tuberville says U.S. needs to get “God and prayer back into schools.” @19:54
- Texas State Rep. Mayes Middleton has a bill to get Bible readings into public schools.
- Johnny Appleseed song and reparations talk @22:15
- Politics:
- Biden Talk @34:12
- Donald Trump has not triumphantly returned to power as predicted by QAnon. @40:07
- GOP voting scams @41:05
- Trump sues RNC @46:03
- Coronavirus: @48:25
- Dashboard
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- FDA is keeping a running list of phony COVID-19 products
- The CDC says vaccinated folks can get together without masks. @49:10
- Pew Research says 69 percent of Americans intend to get or have gotten vaccinated @51:14
- Catholic Bishops is saying, no, it’s cool, get the J&J if there’s no other options. @53:26
- White evangelicals are less likely to get vaccinated @54:07
- The belief group most likely to get vaccinated? It’s atheists.
- How can we make everything worse? @56:34
- Russia is working to undermine confidence in American COVID vaccines @1:00:10
- MyPillow guy who says the vaccine is “mark of the beast stuff.” @1:01:27
- Amazon’s top-selling books @1:09:40
- Final stories: