- Follow-up:
- Milford made my news list @1:54
- U.S. District Judge blocks Texas’s de facto abortion ban. @7:36
- News:
- There’s a malaria vaccine. Called “Mosquirix,” @9:07
- Politics:
- Russia has a new law that prohibits any reporting about the country’s space activities @11:11
- Janice McGeachin, issued executive orders regarding vaccine mandates @13:39
- Conspiracies:
- Board of Supervisors meetings so full of COVID misinformation a panel of doctors form for the sole purpose of debunking it. @17:43
- Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Crazytown) is spreading the conspiracy theory @18:23
- Lindsay Graham
- Ian’s customer story @19:45
- Anti-vaxxers seize team of nurses trying to administer vaccines @25:50
- State Rep. Ken Weyler says vaccines contain a “living organism with tentacles” @27:12
- Jared’s follow-up on fake birds @32:20
- WP Conspiracy Quiz @34:25
- Coronavirus:
- Dashboard
- COVID numbers by county
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- FDA is keeping a running list of phoney COVID-19 products
- Vaccine Guide
- Help CFI fight the War against COVID
- TX: Christopher Charles Perez, sentenced to 15 months in prison @45:12
- TN Medical Examiners will revoke licenses of doctors spreading misinformation @46:35
- Final Stories: