- Follow-up:
- Feds investigating Southern Baptist Convention @1:32
- Trump’s response @2:17
- Trump’s civil suit @8:42
- CFO to plead guilty @9:49
- Giuliani @14:35
- News:
- Attack on the Capital @18:26
- Attack on Cincinnati FBI @19:39
- Salmon Rushdie @25:41
- Politics:
- Afghanistan @32:15
- Religious Nonsense:
- NY's Hottest place is… @38:16
- Answers in Genesis @42:35
- Rick wiles meatless foods @44:17
- Jared story @48:34
- Christian love in LA @52:12
- KS School Board @53:32
- Fargo School Board @55:50
- Worst Church Services EVAR @58:16
- Final Stories:
- Wyoming results @1:03:48