- Follow-up:
- AZ - wedding invitations @1:43
- On Kavanaugh @6:09
- And other Trump appointments @10:44
- Federal Judge in Philly @14:29
- House Appropriations Committee @16:24
- Jared’s question @19:46
- From listeners
- Explanation of how we got here, economically - Kurt @24:54
- Mike Rowe - on the Trinity Broadcasting Network @25:58
- Bootstraps? @28:32
- Tony Perkins - floods punish gays @31:18
- State News:
- PA - decision on “Atheists” @32:48
- HI - B&B ruling @35:41
- National News:
- Before we give you your kid back….what religion are you? @36:37
- Trump sides with Russia over US @38:37
- Russian charged with spying @52:26
- And Benczkowski is the new head of the DOJ, criminal division @57:42
- Ideological subversion @1:01:43
- Jared’s recommendations @1:03:00