- Trump
- A tweet from our President: @0:57
- Violent people @5:32
- Manafort @7:48
- Cohen @10:14
- Weiselberg @12:43
- Trump & McCain @21:23
- How to answer Qs about Trump @26:17
- Follow-up:
- Yeshiva correction @29:12
- Sunday service @30:44
- Cake cake cake cake cake @33:56
- Satanic statue - from Dustin @38:59
- Catholic follow-up @41:58
- Catholic Theologian has the answers
- Pope Frank knew @46:59
- Pope in Ireland @49:23
- Pope thinks psychiatry will help
- PA hotline swamped @51:30
- Laws need to change @52:05
- PA Catholic Conferense in Opposition
- Full page ad to leave the church @53:55
- IL to follow suit @55:11
- MO may as well
- And more?
- Mormons:
- Don’t call me Mormon @57:24
- And no pot @1:00:08
- From listeners
- Blue Wave in MO - From George @1:04:09
- State News:
- NC - gerrymandering - from Kurt @1:07:37
- NY - Foster care @1:09:00
- AR - Poster donations @1:10:00
- World News: