Episode #136 Follow-up Bladensburg peace cross - SCOTUS/Kagan @4:31 SCOTUS on Seizure of property @7:26 Justice Thomas plans? @9:21 Catholicism Pell conviction @13:09 Pope’s uselessly decries tools of satan @18:34 Cardinal says church destroyed documents @23:25 State News (aka Blitz update): CA - bill to force Catholic priests to be mandatory reporters @26:04 AR - trigger law @34:25 IN - Creationism bill amended to exclude creationism @42:00 In the News: YT demonetized anti-vax channels @45:35 Cucker interview doesn’t go as planned @49:13 National News: How Planned Parenthood is being attacked @54:43 Trump panel on climate change @57:15 William Happer to lead panel