- Follow-up:
- Alex Jones was arrested for DWI in Texas @3:57
- Alex Jones says his magic toothpaste will kill the coronavirus
- CoronaVirus @5:29
- Dashboard
- Kevin Kruse calls current moment in history “Disaster Voltron.” @13:12
- 2 doctors in critical condition @17:34
- Abbas Tabrizian, described by followers as “the father of Islamic medicine” @22:14
- A faith-healing church cancelling trips and telling people who feel sick to stay home @25:34
- Rep. Devin Nunes is, of course, also not helping @26:08
- Jerry Falwell the Lesser wants the world to burn @29:52
- Confronted by parent of Liberty University’s students, Falwell calls him a dummy
- Falwells held a big conference about MEN being MEN
- Have some patience with folks who want to turn to “traditional” medicine @40:59
- Maybe we can learn something from World of Warcraft @45:40
- Project: Store and publish banned articles in virtual library in Minecraft @48:37
- Trump:
- Trump takes virus seriously, and Fox News turned on that dime with him
- And then tweeted
- Retired judge Dannenberg resigned from the Supreme Court Bar @53:18
- 2020:
- Bernie Biden debate @58:57
- Some bad news from Jared @1:00:05
- State News:
- FL - Child molestor now has a job as a pastor @1:06:02
- Final story:
- Flatter Day Saints @1:14:21
- Baby’s Got Back @1:16:05
- Masked singer followup - at the end