- Follow-up:
- Faith groups fighting pandemic abortion ban by claiming, religious liberty @3:39
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- CoronaVirus
- Dashboard:
- Protests @6:07
- Gov. Cuomo knows who gets the credit for any success @14:28
- A chiropractor tells people to take quinine and Schweppes. @21:43
- Chiropractor says stick an IV of Vitamin C into yourself
- Australian Medical Association warns about a magic light @24:38
- Federal Trade Commission puts out a blog post on COVID-19 scams @25:55
- Court orders Genesis II Church of Health and Healing: stop selling bleach as a COVID-19 cure
- Pastor Tony Spell wants your stimulus check. @29:19
- Tony Spell is arrested for threatening a protestor with a bus
- Jim Bakker: God told him that “people are going to kill preachers” @33:17
- Jim Bakker wants his flock to just send him checks
- Three Stooges of the Plague all get a platform on Fox News @35:17
- The people of Earth are killing Snopes @40:15
- Dealing with COVID-19 into the summer @41:55
- Some places the coronavirus isn’t @49:17
- Modeling to predict the next few months…and years @53:48
- State News
- After Kentucky protests, the state announced its highest jump in infections. @56:58
- National News:
- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo @58:02
- Samaritan’s Purse and the people they discriminate @59:57
- “Religious liberty” trope doing damage @1:02:04
- We are not living in a “state of antireligious dystopian rule” @1:05:41
- World News:
- Meet the followers of Happy Science @1:08:04
- Final story:
- This is so weird @1:10:27