- Follow-up:
- 2020:
- There was the part where Pence said @12:15
- The New England Journal of Medicine doesn’t endorse Biden, but very much un-dorses the president. @18:48
- GOP told to remove fake ballot boxes @22:57
- Trump & Cronies:
- One of Trump’s COVID treatments was developed with abortion tissue @32:25
- Trump says he’s now “immune” to COVID-19, which is probably false @37:23
- Louie Gohmert: “The problem with socialism isn’t just economic, It’s atheism. The government has to be the God.” @39:08
- HHS whistleblower Rick Bright has resigned. @41:29
- Barrett
- Sen. Tammy Duckworth: Barrett is someone who “believes that my daughters shouldn’t even exist.” @45:34
- Coronavirus:
- Dashboard
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- FDA is keeping a running list of phoney COVID-19 products
- Get your flu vaccine @49:46
- White House reverses and is not blocking the FDA’s safety guidelines @52:20
- Alex Azar pushing for an reopening of the economy to get us to herd immunity @58:48
- Contact tracing thwarted because people have learned to not pick up the phone @1:00:28
- the probable release of a few “so-so vaccines,” @1:01:58
- World News:
- Algerian activist sentenced to 10 years in prison for “inciting atheism” @1:09:03
- Mubarak Bala finally got to meet with his lawyer after being detained since May
- Sawan Masih is acquitted.
- Final stories:
- Even Pat Robertson can be right once in a while @1:14:08