- News:
- What a Rush @2:13
- Texas @7:44
- Explained
- Cruz
- Russia @18:44
- Qatar example @20:25
- Taxes on the unemployed @22:38
- AZ voting changes @23:28
- Follow-up:
- Trump casino implosion @25:41
- TN update: The legislation to allow a man who allegedly impregnated a woman to petition to prevent her from ending her pregnancy. @27:11
- South Carolina’s “fetal heartbeat” law, was blocked by a federal judge. @27:59
- Abortion bills exceed 200
- Politics:
- SCOTUS @29:00
- President not paying me? That’s ok, I‘ll steal coasters @31:39
- Biden/Saudi @34:38
- Cuomo Talk @37:50
- GA Republicans try to change law to protect Trump @43:19
- Trump to speak at CPAC @44:36
- Profiles in Sedition: Bracket: https://brackethq.com/b/jujl/ @46:54
- This seems unwise: US Marshals talking about March 4th inauguration. @
- Hawley story @51:05
- Coronavirus:
- Dashboard
- CFI: Coronavirus Resource Center
- FDA is keeping a running list of phoney COVID-19 products
- Nature looks at how folks are responding to the COVID–19 vaccines @58:07
- The FDA says you can feel safe about ordering takeout. @59:442
- Religious Nonsense:
- Adam ‘Nergal’ Darski of the metal band Behemoth is convicted of “offending religious feelings” @1:00:41
- Final stories:
- Mars @1:01:32
- Happy 20th birthday to ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US. @1:02:37
- Tiger Woods @1:10:42