- Prayer in real life @1:26
- Follow-up:
- More Oath keepers guilty @9:31
- Trump Indictment fallout @10:05
- Fox/Dominion @26:55
- J6 info @32:55
- News:
- Religious Nonsense:
- Siva Moodley @37:13
- Pakistan @40:39
- Bahrain @41:34
- Bangor ME @42:42
- TX health care @47:42
- This week’s Christian Profile: Chris DeJoseph @49:06
- Conspiracies:
- Disney, Huggies, and True Detective @52:21
- Disney & DeSantis @59:13
- Disney, Huggies, and True Detective @52:21
- Final Stories:
- Future of Life @1:09:00