Show informational links:
State News:
Bama - Moore’s fear of Sharia @15:53
TX - bathroom bill again @19:38
NV- Senator lies @21:36
KY - Gov is AotW @29:45
Note: USS John McCain was named after the Senator’s father *and* grandfather.
International News:
Turkey stop teaching evolution @33:05
Chocolate going away? 36:44
Malaysia update: @38:36
Pakistan's Blasphemy law @40:37
India’s triple talaq @43:04
Canada’s religious exemption in question @46:30
National News:
LDS against whitey @53:02
Liberty grads returning diplomas @1:03:54
Penn State Denies Richard Spencer @1:05:58
Bakker is insane @1:11:17
Rex Tillerson mentions atheists @1:15:25
Celebrity leak conversation (Profane Argument: After Dark) @1:23:15