Show informational links:
- Fill out your law bracket @0:46
- From listeners
- Dustin - TN nazi bill squashed in record time @2:01
- Cynthia Nixon @11:02
- Follow-up:
- PA - Districts stand @12:02
- PA Rep tries to impeach judges @15:48
- Pat Toomey is a bitch @17:36
- Iowa Atheist PDF @23:26
- KA “Go to hell” @24:44
- ABORTIONS: @30:04
- Jared’s question: @33:44
- Reverse abortion @45:10
- MS - law goes into effect @47:17
- ….and is blocked
- IA - heartbeat law @48:09
- Justices hear arguments @49:21
- ...and likely side against law
- Abortions are actually safe @52:26
- State News:
- TX - Rep insults Stephen Hawking @54:28
- OR - judge suspended for 3 years @57:27
- Jared’s good news story @1:00:42
- AR - IGWT signs @1:04:15
- International News:
- National News:
- McCain on CIA @1:08:14
- ...McCain on Putin @1:10:38
- Cambridge Analytica - Rebekah Mercer - Steve Bannon - Ted Cruz - Ben Carson - Julian Assange @1:12:23
- Chief Israeli Rabbi calls black people monkeys @1:17:58
- Marlon Bundo @1:18:46